There are four measures of what makes advertising awards shows great.
First, it must have stellar judges. They must be men and women who are not just figureheads, but who are themselves actively involved in the ongoing creation of exceptional work.
Secondly, a truly great show must be entered by all the agencies producing today's noteworthy advertising. Who can get excited about winning in a show that Wieden or Goodby or Abbott or Chiat ignored? Examine the index at the back of any One Show and One Show Interactive annual, and I think you'll find no one missing.
Thirdly, a successful show must be backed by an enduring, committed organization. Ours is appropriately named The One Club for Art and Copy, and its pursuits are guided by a very involved Board of Directors. This group features the likes of Lee Clow, John Doyle, Cliff Freeman, Rick Boyko and John Butler, to name a few.
Lastly, a pre-eminent awards show must provide an inspiring record of its results. Each year The One Club publishes the results of the One Show in a hardcover annual, possibly the most valuable record of creative advertising available.