Febreze Radio SALMON by Leo Burnett Bogota

The Radio ad titled SALMON was done by Leo Burnett Bogota advertising agency for Febreze in Colombia. It was released in Feb 2013.

Febreze: SALMON

February 2013
February 2013
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Advertiser: P&G
Category: Best Video
Creative Director: Carlos Orozco
Scriptwriter: David Rodríguez
Creative Director: Pablo Acosta
Agency Producer: Andrea Hortúa
Creative Director: Juan Manuel Gaitán
Scriptwriter: Carolina Suárez
Executive Creative Director: Fernando Hernández
Scriptwriter: Jennifer Rincón
Executive Creative Director: Mauricio Sarmiento.
Account Manager: Andrea Guevara

Script In Original Language
MVO: El salmón es uno de los más grandes viajeros de la tierra, nace en agua dulce y pasa parte de su vida en el océano. En su época de reproducciónemprende el camino de vuelta al lugar donde nació. Su cerebro contiene partículas de hierro, que lo ayudan como una brújula a seguir las líneas magnéticas de la tierra. En un viaje contracorriente tendrá que atravesar rápidos, cascadas, esquivar osos y competir con otros salmones. Después de su titánica travesía, es atrapado por un pescador, que lo colocará en un sartén a fuego alto, impregnando de humo toda su cocina.SFX: SONIDO DE ATOMIZADORANNCR: Con Febreze la historia de un mal olor, no dura más que un respiro.

Script In English
MVO: (INTAKE OF BREATH) Salmon is one of the greatest travellers of the earth, born in freshwater, it spends part of its life in the ocean. During the mating season it goes back to its birthplace. The brain contains iron particles that help as a compass to follow the magnetic lines of the earth. On the upstream journey they will have to deal with rapids, compete with other salmon and avoid bears. After its titanic crossing, it is caught by a fisherman, who will place it in a pan over high heat, impregnating the whole kitchen with smoke.SFX: SPRAYANNCR: With Febreze the history of a bad smell does not last longer than a breath.

Brief Explanation
The target audience was male and female house owners between 20 to 40 years old. The adverts were broadcasted nationally.This project was created to communicate the main benefit of Febreeze, the best odor eliminator that works immediately without hiding odors.To solve this brief we appealed to a basic human instinct: to hold the breath to not smell a bad odor. We told our narrators to take a single breath to tell a story, that thanks to the fast action of our product, they were meant to last no more than a breath like the bad odors with Febreeze.