The Satanshop Film The Satanshop, Season2, 6 by Roughrise Seoul

The Film titled The Satanshop, Season2, 6 was done by Roughrise Seoul advertising agency for The Satanshop in South Korea. It was released in Nov 2019.

The Satanshop: The Satanshop, Season2, 6

November 2019
May 2020

Credits & Description:

Client: The Satanshop
Agency: Roughrise
Advertising Agency: Roughrise, Seoul, South Korea
Creative Director / Art Director / Animator: Dongsoo Lim
Country: South Korea
Published: November 2019
In our society, there is satan who shows no consideration for others.
 And also, there are timid people who want to punish satan, but always suppress their anger.
 Everyday these timid people are living under stress caused by satan. The satanshop s...

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