Salvation Army Ambient Cover Drive by Leo Burnett Johannesburg, Owenkessel

The Ambient Advert titled Cover Drive was done by Leo Burnett Johannesburg, Owenkessel advertising agencies for Salvation Army in South Africa. It was released in Jul 2014.

Salvation Army: Cover Drive

July 2014
July 2014
Art Director
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director


The Loeries Awards 2014

Credits & Description:

Every year the Salvation Army collect blankets for the homeless. While these collections normally happen during winter, we asked: why not start collecting before they're needed most? And attended a summer sporting event the South Africa vs Australia T20 cricket series. Based on the insight that people bring blankets to sit on while they watch the cricket, and moving away from the traditional "please donate" tactics, we developed the simple message of "leave your blanket behind" which we then printed on our own blankets that were placed around the stadium for people to see and interact with. Through this simple mechanic of getting up and walking away from something you had already brought, we managed to collect 10% of an annual drive, in just four hours.Agency Leo Burnett Johannesburg
Brand: Salvation Army
Media: Ambient
Category: Public interest
Agency: Leo Burnett
Geo: South Africa
The Salvation Army: Cover Drive
Advertising Agency: OwenKessel Leo Burnett, Johannesburg, South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Donovan Bryan
Creative Director: Sunet Willemse
Art Director: Richard Thompson
Copywriter: Jonathan Dennis