Aqua Carpatica Case study Purity Test by Cohn & Jansen JWT Bucharest

The Case study titled Purity Test was done by Cohn & Jansen JWT Bucharest advertising agency for Aqua Carpatica in Romania. It was released in May 2016.

Aqua Carpatica: Purity Test

May 2016
May 2016
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Nitrates are an invisible threat in the water we drink, caused by intensive farming which uses tons of chemical fertilizers.To show the level of Nitrates in the drinking water, the water brand Aqua Carpatica created The Purity Test. This is a little paper strip which tells the Nitrate content when dipped in water.In online, users were encouraged to take the cause even further: test the water they drank whether lake water, tap or spring water and then share the results on the Nitrate map, for everyone to see. Agency: Cohn&Jansen JWT Romania
Media: Direct Marketing
Category: Drinks, non-alcoholic
Client: Aqua Carpatica
Agency: Cohn&Jansen JWT
Country: Romania
Client Services Director: Ina Simion
Client Services Director: Ruxandra Savulescu
Senior Planner: Raluca Iacob
Creative Director: Andrei Cohn
Deputy Creative Director: Alex Negoescu
Head of Digital: Monica Radulescu
Digital Project Manager: Raluca Diaconu
Designer: Cosmin Nicola
Account Executive: Oana McGinley