Converse Case study Skatepark by Anomaly New York

The Case study titled Skatepark was done by Anomaly New York advertising agency for Converse in United States. It was released in Nov 2014.

Converse: Skatepark

November 2014
November 2014


Young Guns Awards, 2014
MediaMedia: Best use Of Ambient MediaBronze
D&AD Awards 2015
BrandingBrand Experience & EnvironmentsGraphite Pencil

Credits & Description:

Company Anomaly
Country United States
Client Converse
Talent John Downing
Matt Knapp
East coast and west coast skateboarding are miles apart - and not just geographically. The east coast is known for rough spots, and rougher weather. The west coast for it’s smooth schoolyards and perfectly grind-able benches. We wanted to give skaters a chance to experience a spot that they’d seen hundreds of times in skate videos, but didn’t have access to. And in the process, give each coast a taste of the other’s skate scene.