Canon Case study THE DOUBLE IMPACT METHOD by Dentsu Inc. Tokyo

The Case study titled THE DOUBLE IMPACT METHOD was done by Dentsu Inc. Tokyo advertising agency for subbrand: EOS MOVIE (brand: Canon) in Japan. It was released in Nov 2010.


November 2010
November 2010
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Titanium and Integrated

Advertiser: CANON

Product/Service: EOS MOVIE

Agency: DENTSU

Date of First Appearance: Sep 24 2010

Creative Director: Yasuo Baba (Hoichoi Productions)

Exective Producer: Toichiro Shiraishi (Dentsu)

Exective Producer: Shinya Kumagai (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television)

Chief Producer/Strategist: Noriaki Kuramoto (Dentsu)

Producer/PR Planner: Shin Okamoto (Dentsu)

Producer: Akira Nagao (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television)

Line Producer: Susumu Nakazawa (Office Crescendo)

Communication Designer: Kentaro Kasama (Dentsu)

Publicist: Reina Aoki (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television)

Program Director: Yukiko Nagayama (Tokyo Broadcasting System Television)

Assistant PR Planner: Hideki Kuribayashi (Dentsu)

Account Exective: Satoshi Katayama (Dentsu)

Account Exective: Eisuke Tsujisaki (Dentsu)

Senior Account Exective: Keisuke Sanao (Dentsu)

Senior Account Exective: Masahiro Okoshi (Dentsu)

Media placement: Newspaper Publicity - Sponichi Annex - 24 September 2010

Media placement: Press Release - TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System Television) - 12 October 2010

Media placement: Magazine Ad - Pia - 20 October 2010

Media placement: TV Spot - TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System Television) - 1 November 2010

Media placement: Premiere Screening - TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System Television) - 13 November 2010

Media placement: Newspaper Ad - Mainichi Shimbun - 15 November 2010

Media placement: TV Drama - TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System Television) - 15 November 2010

Media placement: OOH - Q-Front Mega Media At Shibuya - 18 November 2010

Media placement: Product Exhibition Seminar - Inter BEE - 22 November 2010

Describe the campaign/entry

Canon’s digital single lens reflex camera, which is mostly used to shoot still pictures, can take high-quality full-HD movies unlike film or VTR cameras. This was widely known among movie professionals but they preferred to keep using their familiar equipment. What's more, general users didn't really know about it. Canon wanted to change these outlooks. So, we used Canon’s EOS Movie to create a drama on a national TV network and then told the film industry and the media about it to create publicity and 'buzz'. Our aim was to make our audience more aware of EOS' capabilities by seeing the drama and then learning about this new way of making movies with digital SLR cameras.

We designed this 'double impact method' by using entertaining content and amazing news to enlighten our audience.

Describe how the campaign/entry was launched across each channel in the order of implementation

“Granddad is 25 years Old” is a sci-fi comedy in which a man is revived 46 years after being frozen on a snow mountain and then becomes a 25 year old “granddad”. Many Canon products such as EOS feature, and granddad brings far-flung members of his present day family together using these products. The whole story was filmed using EOS Movie.

We aggressively conducted a PR campaign before it was broadcast.

We publicized the fact that the drama was shot using Canon EOS Movie through news releases and premiere screenings, and generated buzz in the film industry and media.

In summary, general users were impressed by the drama and, because of it, looked favourably upon the Canon brand. They were also surprised by the fact that the drama was shot using Canon EOS Movie. Finally they understood the new aspect of the DSLR camera. We succeeded in realizing the “double impact” that we had originally intended.

Give some idea of how successful this campaign/entry was with both client and consumer

- 10,000,000 viewers were estimated to have been exposed to the project. Moreover, 83% of the viewers answered that they “LIKE” the drama.

- Besides coverage in camera magazines and special web-sites, general newspapers and TV programmes picked up on the fact that the drama was shot using EOS Movie.

- As a result, based on top-box “would like to use”, utility intention of EOS is now at 19.2% among viewers, while 6.5% among non-viewers. Moreover, top-2 boxes of “would NOT like to use” is 43 % among non-viewers, while it decreased 16.3% among viewers.

- We managed to make the product much more widely known amongst general viewers.