Megafon Case study MEGAFON 4G [video] by Instinct Moscow

The Case study titled MEGAFON 4G [video] was done by Instinct Moscow advertising agency for Megafon in Russia. It was released in Nov 2012.

Megafon: MEGAFON 4G [video]

November 2012
November 2012
Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Advertiser: MEGAFON
Category: Best Use of Integrated Media
Advertising campaign: MEGAFON 4G
Creative Director: Daniil Ostrovskiy (Instinct)
Creative Director: Alexey Meshkov (Instinct)
Art Director: Danila Khodashinskiy (Instinct)
Client Services Director: Sandra Kapcic (Instinct)
Marketing Communication Manager: Tatyana Zhuravleva (Megafon)
Marketing Communication Manager: Andrey Litvinov (Megafon)
Photo Producer: Tamara Leacock (Instinct)
Head Of Production Department: Al-Samarray Suzzana (Instinct)
Marketing Communication Manager: Andrey Belov (Megafon)
Marketing Communication Manager: Anna Afanasenko (Megafon)
Creative Director: Rodger Beekman (Instinct)
First stage – teaser We placed QR code in an outdoor campaign which after scanning led to an offer of leaving a request for 4G modem booking. A two days before the main campaign stage we launched a TV spot with a QR code that revealed some secrets and linked next stage with the teaser.Second stage – reveal TV and outdoor campaign, Internet site, radio and communication in retail revealed the whole information about MegaFon launching a new technology and its obvious advantages.
After a month of campaign’s launch.More than 100 000 scanned QR codes on the teaser stage:•More than 60% knew that MegaFon was the first to launch 4G•67% had a positive reaction to this fact/ 32% were neutralTV spot ‘For those who don't wait’ was not only one of the most popular TV spots, but it also improved positive brand’s image:•60% named it to be ‘Unique or almost Unique’ (average rating is usually 49%)•43% said that ‘after seeing the spot the perception of MegaFon improved greatly’ (average rating is usually 33%)
Task: Launch a new standard of mobile Internet as a technology that changes peoples’ lives. Challenge: To build the image of a leader in high technology field TA&Insight: Our main target audience was so-called ‘Advanced’ and ‘Successful’ users. They move forward, they understand that time doesn’t stand still. That’s why you need to be in the moment, even ‘in the second’. They will agree with the saying ‘Good things come to those who wait…’, but they will add on the end ‘and those will always play the supporting role’.Solution: The campaign "For those who don't wait". High speed 4G technology changes perception of time. Now you don’t have to wait for the Internet. And usually people don't like to wait. We decided not to praise a technology, but those who live fast.