Progetto Itaca Case study 1 MINUTE OF NOISE [video] by Y&R Roma

The Case study titled 1 MINUTE OF NOISE [video] was done by Y&R Roma advertising agency for Progetto Itaca in Italy. It was released in May 2013.

Progetto Itaca: 1 MINUTE OF NOISE [video]

May 2013
May 2013
Executive Creative Director
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Agency: Y&R ITALY
Category: Public Health & Safety, Pubic Awareness Messages
Press Office: (Burson Marsteller)
: (Mai Tai)
: (MEC)
: (OK Radio)
Accounts: Chiara Bergamaschi (Young & Rubicam Group Italy)
Executive Creative Director: Vicky Gitto (Young & Rubicam Group Italy)
Copywriter: Danilo Fragale (Young & Rubicam Group Italy)
Art Director: Lorena Cascino (Young & Rubicam Group Italy)
Web Development Responsible: Ronald Shqarri (VML / Young & Rubicam Group Italy)
Client Brief Or Objective
The objective was to promote and draw attention to the project ITACA help line. ITACA is a no profit association which gives support to people suffering from mental health problems. We focused on the biggest enemy of mental health: silence. On 10 October 2012, for World Mental Health day we decided to break the silence.
For the first time in Italy a reoccurring event has been marked by '1 minute of noise' instead of the usual minute of silence. We offered our target the opportunity to reflect on the urgency of talking to someone who can help and not keeping everything inside. People who made themselves heard through '1 minute of noise' not only had fun but took the first steps in helping people towards recovery.
In comparison with the previous month the ITACA help line received 400% more calls, the website had 63% more visits and enrollment to become volunteers with the association doubled. The cost of the campaign was €0.00. This was just the first year but its success means it will certainly be repeated to mark World Mental Health Day every 10 October.
Through spots, print, DEM, websites, social networks, journalistic articles and at the BlogFest 2012 we invited people to make ' 1 minute of noise'. On 10 October 2012 for World Mental Health day the videos people sent us were uploaded onto Facebook and the official website.