Taxi Monger Case study Don't Drop The Reward by FCB Kuala Lumpur

The Case study titled Don't Drop The Reward was done by FCB Kuala Lumpur advertising agency for Taxi Monger in Malaysia. It was released in Apr 2016.

Taxi Monger: Don't Drop The Reward

April 2016
April 2016


Ad Stars 2016
DirectUse of direct marketing: Use of digital in a direct marketing campaign e.g. websites, microsites, search engine marketing, viral marketing, banner ads, email marketing, digital Pos, video games, mobilCrystal

Credits & Description:

Brand: Taxi Monger
Agency: Draft/Fcb Kuala Lumpur
Description:, a British taxi comparison site, rated taxi drivers in Kuala Lumpur as the worst in the world. TaxiMonger realised that looking for passengers in the heavy traffic of Kuala Lumpur made taxi drivers frustrated, fatigued and impatient. With TaxiMonger’s more than 3,000 drivers, passengers and taxis can meet through technology versus random pick-ups. It has eased frustration for both driver and passenger. But how could TaxiMonger show clients their drivers drive safer?
Category: Use of direct marketing: Use of digital in a direct marketing campaign e.g. websites, microsites, search engine marketing, viral marketing, banner ads, email marketing, digital Pos, video games, mobile based campaigns, Qr codes, branded content, Bluetooth, Mms, Sms, Pda, Gps, tablet, Mp3, games and apps, widgets, schematic screens, digital installations.