Toronto Jewish Film Festival Case study Film. It's what Jews do best [video] by DDB Toronto

The Case study titled Film. It's what Jews do best [video] was done by DDB Toronto advertising agency for Toronto Jewish Film Festival in Canada. It was released in Nov 2013.

Toronto Jewish Film Festival: Film. It's what Jews do best [video]

November 2013
November 2013
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Art Director
Creative Director
Production Agency


London International Awards 2013
Integration-Silver Winners

Credits & Description:

Category: Short Format Internet Film
Advertising campaign: FILM. IT'S WHAT JEWS DO BEST.
Agency Producer: Caroline Clarke (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Copywriter: David Horovitch (DDB Canada/Tribal Toronto)
Sr. Account Executive: Leigh Farlow (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Audio House/Casting Agency: N (Keen Music)
Executive Creative Director: Todd Mackie (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Creative Director: David Horovitch (DDB Canada/Tribal Toronto)
Copywriter: David Ross (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Executive Creative Director: Denise Rossetto (DDB Canada/Toronto)
SVP/Managing Director: Melanie Johnston (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Audio House/Casting Agency: A (Keen Music)
Creative Director: David Ross (DDB Canada/Toronto)
Art Director: Jake Bundock (DDB Canada/Toronto)
The radio campaign generated a lot of discussion. So much so, that the city’s top talk-radio station (NewsTalk Radio 1010AM) broadcasted a segment about the campaign. Listeners called in with their reactions, generating a lot of conversations and intrigue. This interest help the TJFF increase their ticket sales by 19% from the previous year.
The campaign was highly entertaining to the non-Jewish audience we were trying to secure. It played up the fact we Jews don’t take ourselves too seriously, while reminding them that our strong suit is definitely making great film. As mentioned above, the humorous tone also made the Toronto Jewish Film Festival seem more approachable to non-Jewish people.
Client Brief Or Objective
The Toronto Jewish Film Festival (TJFF) needed to broaden its reach and increase ticket sales. Our challenge was that TJFF was perceived to be a religious film festival heavy on Jewish content and light on action, drama and laughs. A belief that couldn't be further from the truth. Our goal was to establish the TJFF as a festival with broad appeal, featuring the finest in film. To accomplish this, we playfully reminded people that Jews have a long-standing reputation for making great film. And that’s precisely what the TJFF is all about. Great film.
To remind people that film is something we do best, we took a light-hearted look at ourselves and actually focused on professions that we Jews are not known for. The campaign highlighted the fact that we don’t make great plumbers or mechanics, and that film is actually what we do best. The humorous tone of the campaign also made the Festival more approachable for non-Jewish people.