Trident Case study Trident Jam [video] by Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi Puerto Rico

The Case study titled Trident Jam [video] was done by Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi Puerto Rico advertising agency for subbrand: Trident Gum (brand: Trident) in Puerto Rico. It was released in Jan 2013.

Trident: Trident Jam [video]

January 2013
January 2013
Art Director
Art Director
Account Supervisor
Executive Creative Director


FIAP 2013
Promo, Activaciones y Marketing DirectoPromociones en la via publica y acciones de campoSol de Oro

Credits & Description:

Advertiser: TRIDENT
Category: Best Use of Games
Post-Production: (GPS Studios)
Account Supervisor: Edgardo Palerm
Art Director: Fernando Suárez (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Creative Director: Mariano Germán (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Creative Director: Pedro Pérez (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Digital Project Manager: Rachel Hernández
Art Director: Cristina Burckhart (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Sound Design/Arrangement: Denes Pagán
Account Manager: María Cristina Torruella
Digital Director: Claudio Chea
Video Animation: Fernando Rodríguez
Digital Art Director: José Vélez
Executive Creative Director: Juan Carlos Rodríiguez (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Copywriter: Mariano Germán (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Copywriter: Pedro Pérez (Badillo Saatchi & Saatchi)
Game Development: Raul Rodríguez (Digital Tree)
We decided to engage the user to experience the product in its right context: through a fun experience. We decided to transform the very act of chewing Trident into a 'fun token' which you could use to play a game and win a chance to meet Lady Gaga in person. We developed a hardware controller that measured chewing action and via Arduino, transformed it into points you could score in the game. The goal was simple: chew to the rhythm of the music. The player who chewed the best score, wins.
During the week of promotion, 15,000 players experienced Trident Jam. Bloggers raved about the 'invention' and influenced the brand, turning it into the cool talk in town. During the month of the promotion sales grew by 18%.
It positioned Trident in the right frame of mind relationship with the target: a fun, music driven experience.
Client Brief Or Objective
The experience of chewing gum means a fun moment. In Puerto Rico unfortunately chewing gum is mostly associated with freshening breath, a functional action.