VillaLobos Design & Branding A LOJA VAZIA by Loducca

The Design & Branding titled A LOJA VAZIA was done by Loducca advertising agency for VillaLobos in Brazil. It was released in Nov 2012.

VillaLobos: A LOJA VAZIA

November 2012
November 2012
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Creative Director
Creative Director


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Credits & Description:

Category: Temporary Retail
Advertising campaign: A LOJA VAZIA
Art Director: Alexandre Amaral (Loducca)
Planner Director: Daniel De Tomazo (Loducca)
Creative Director: Cássio Moron (Loducca)
Designer: Eduardo Tallia (Loducca)
Creative Director: Guga Ketzer (Loducca)
Copywriter: Marcelo Rosa (Loducca)
Media Director: Rodrigo Tamer (Loducca)
Creative Director: Sérgio Mugnaini (Loducca)
Account Director: Tatiana Moliterno (Loducca)
Executive Producer: Ana Luisa André (Loducca)
Account Group Director: Fabiane Veiga (Loducca)
Client Services Director: Fernão Cosi (Loducca)
Head Of Design: Gustavo De Lacerda (Loducca)
Copywriter: Raphael Franzini (Loducca)
Copywriter: Fábio Saboya (Loducca)
Creative Director: Fábio Saboya (Loducca)
Designer: Gustavo De Lacerda (Loducca)
Planner Vp: Ken Fujioka (Loducca)
Executive Producer: Sid Fernandes (Loducca)
Copywriter: Weber Luiz De Andrade (Loducca)

Client Brief Or Objective
Brazil is a tropical country but São Paulo gets pretty cold during the winter. So, can we avoid the usual donations drop boxes and promote the annual Winter Clothing Drive?

With only a free space and literally an empty shop, VillaLobos mall managed to collect 3.2 tons of clothes and help thousands of people in need.The Governor of the State of São Paulo and other Brazilian personalities like footballer Neymar (with 15MM followers online) got involved and caught the media’s attention.Other malls have shown interest in implementing the idea in their countries. So, we’re turning it into an open source project. This means that the shop blueprint, the key visuals and the communication kits are going to be made available for free to anyone to spread goodwill.

Brief Explanation
For many years, the winter clothing donation drive uses the same strategy: spread donation boxes all over the city to collect clothes. But, how can we represent the lack of clothes and ask for donations in a different way?

Empty hangers, empty shelves, empty windows in a transparent shop with no roof so everyone from anywhere in the shopping mall could see that the store was empty an in need of donations.