Google Digital, Case study Google Mobile Arcade [image] by R/GA Sao Paulo

Google Mobile Arcade [image]
The Digital Advert titled Google Mobile Arcade [image] was done by R/GA Sao Paulo advertising agency for Google in Brazil. It was released in Aug 2016.

Google: Google Mobile Arcade [image]

August 2016
August 2016


Wave Festival 2017
CyberCraft - CyberBronze

Credits & Description:

Agência/Agency: R/Ga Media Group
Anunciante/Advertiser: Google Brasil Internet Ltda.
Diretor de criação/Creative Director: Carlos Fonseca, Saulo Rodrigues
Produtor da agência/Agency Producer: Rafael Messias, Caroline Bonani, Stella Violla
Redator/Editor: Tom Vouga, André Atássio
Atendimento/Attendance: Ana Hasegawa, Marília Grespan
Produtora de som/Sound Production: Shuffle Áudio
Outros créditos:
Vp, Managing Director: Fabiano Coura;
Vp Tecnologia & Produção: Edson Sueyoshi;
Planejamento: Márcia Aguirre, Karina Corchs, Bruno Delfino;
Ux: Thiago Franco, Julian Gonçalves, Rodrigo Guanaes, Xavier Gallego;
Motion Design: Andrea Senise, Tiago Souza
Designer: André Rezende
Diretor de Arte/Art Director: Ilan Orengel, Vicente Silva
Challenge: In Brazil, C-levels don’t seem to understand how a bad mobile experience can impact their business. Which affects Google ability to grow its mobile business.
Solution: Four data-driven games based on their brand mobile sites to give them instant feedback on their customer experience and its effect on business.
Results: Immediate increase of 55% in intention to invest more in mobile among the C-level participants clients.