UnforgettableSongs.org Digital, Case study Unforgettable songs [image] by Isobar Sao Paulo

Unforgettable songs [image]
The Digital Advert titled Unforgettable songs [image] was done by Isobar Sao Paulo advertising agency for UnforgettableSongs.org in Brazil. It was released in Jan 2017.

UnforgettableSongs.org: Unforgettable songs [image]

January 2017
January 2017
Production Agency
Creative Director
Chief Creative Officer
Creative Director
Creative Director


El Ojo Festival 2017
ContenidoCo-Creación y Contenido Generado Por El UsuarioBronce

Credits & Description:

Brand: Mares Filmes
Corporate Name of Sponsoring Client: Sueli Tanaka
Brand Strategy: Pedro Thompson
Business Director: Rodolfo Campitelli
Connections Strategy: Aloisio Pinto
Audience Strategy: Natália Traldi/Thais Altschuller
Agency: Isobar, São Paulo
Chief Creative Officer: Eduardo Battiston
Creative Directors: Ricardo Diniz/Dogura Kozonoe
Copywriter: Alexandre Freire
Art Director: Maicon Pinheiro
Executive Agency Producers: Moa Ramalho/Edu Tibiriçá
Agency Digital Directors: Georgia Guerra Peixe/Fabio Meirelles
Director of Photography: Walter Carvalho
Projects: Felipe Pagliari
RTV: Regina Shnaider/Juliana Motta
Post-Production Company: BossaNova Filmes
BossaNova Films Business: Paula Alves/Priscila Miranda
Music Composer: Lucas Mayer
Musician: Maestro João Carlos Martins
Singer: Ana Julia Zambianchi
We needed to launch the French independent movie "Floride", which tells the story of a man discovering he has Alzheimer's, a disease that affects more than 35 million people worldwide.
A recent study conducted by the Max Planck Institute of Neuroscience in Germany discovered that musical memories are stored in the last area of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
This means that even patients in an advanced stage of the disease are able to recall and sing a song from their past.
We used this discovery to create a movement that gave hope to Alzheimer’s patients around the world.
The #unforgettablesongs movement united patients and volunteer musicians to transform real life stories of recently diagnosed Alzheimer’s patients into songs. This way, the stories would be hidden from the disease in a different part of their brain and eternalized in the patient’s memories.
The project started with a short documentary telling the story of one of the Alzheimer patients that was helped by the movement. The video reached some of the most influential websites in the country.
The story got so much attention it was picked up by news shows of the major television channels, generating more than 23.7 million dollars in earned media (according to JP Media), generating enough awareness about the movie "Floride" to double the number of screening rooms it was scheduled to appear in.

Agência/Agency: Isobar Brasil
Anunciante/Advertiser: Mares Filmes
Diretor de criação/Creative Director: Eduardo Battiston, Ricardo Diniz, Dogura Kozonoe
Atendimento/Attendance: Paula Alves e Priscila Miranda
Outros créditos: Alexandre Freire, Maicon Pinheiro, Aloisio Pinto, Natalia Traldi, Thais Autschuller, Pedro Thompson, Rodolfo Campitelli, Felipe Pagliari, Regina Shnaider, Juliana Motta, Valquiria Pacheco, Henrique Smith, Drianotorres, Maestro João Carlos Martins, Lucas Mayer, Ana Julia Zambianchi, Moa Ramalho e Edu Tibiriçá
Produtora/Production Company: Bossanova Filmes
Diretor/Director: Georgia Guerra Peixe & Fabio Meirelles
Diretor de Fotografia: Walter Carvalho
Scientists discovered that musical and common memories are stored in different parts of the brain. That means music is one of the last things affected by Alzheimer. So we created a movement that unites musicians and patients to write songs about their life stories.