Vodafone Digital, Case study #Hashtag Holidays by ACHTUNG! & THEY

The Digital Advert titled #Hashtag Holidays was done by ACHTUNG! & THEY advertising agency for Vodafone in United States. It was released in Jul 2013.

Vodafone: #Hashtag Holidays

Credits & Description:

Smartphone data usage during holidays has doubled since last year. Due to decreasing costs, travellers are less afraid to turn on roaming and take advantage of mobile data services abroad, like Vodafone’s All-In-1 Travel package - which lets you call, text and use mobile internet for 2 euro a day. Besides emailing, the second most popular activity remains sharing and posting on social media, often accompanied by hashtags.

This insight led Vodafone to classify popular holiday destinations according to current trends on social media. The Hashtag Holidays site has a built-in scanning algorithm that analyzes the geographic location of hashtags concerning partying, eating out or shopping among others, and based on the results, recommends cities where these hashtags are being shared the most.

The most popular destinations in the first week have been #YOLO and #touristshit. Each week, participants can win their very own #Hashtag Holiday by being the first to check in, once the check-in opens. To participate, join before the 1st of August.

Visit the site ‘Hashtag Holidays’ at http://www.hashtagholidays.nl

Concept & design: ACHTUNG! & THEY

Technical Development Website: Random

Client: Vodafone - Laura van Gestel, Nienke Bakker

Sound Design: Big Orange