Deutscher Tierschutzbund DM, Case study SERENADES OF DEATH by Wunderman Frankfurt

The Direct marketing titled SERENADES OF DEATH was done by Wunderman Frankfurt advertising agency for Deutscher Tierschutzbund in Germany. It was released in Oct 2012.

Deutscher Tierschutzbund: SERENADES OF DEATH

Credits & Description:

Category: Flat Mailing
Copywriter: Arne Bülow (Wunderman)
Copywriter: Martin Riesenfelder (Wunderman)
Chief Creative Officer: Martin X. Riesenfelder (Wunderman)
Art Director: Jochen Saken (Wunderman )
Art Director: Markus Renner (Wunderman )
Production: Miriam Hiekisch-Lisé (Wunderman)
We invited the target group to a romantic musical journey through the woods. But instead of harmless songs such as 'Over the river and through the woods' a different collection of songs was published. When hunters have killed an animal, traditionally specific horn signals are played as a last 'homage' to the animals death. This songbook contained the music and often ludicrous lyrics of those horn signals. For all those animals that are hunted today. And for those that are already extinct.
Client Brief Or Objective
A large numbers of hunters today still think of their actions as a recreational adventure. They keep using outdated methods of hunting that contradict the legally required protection of animals. The Animal Welfare Association wanted to call on policy makers and opinion leaders to advocate for amendments to the federal hunting legislation. But this time without the means of shocking pictures of suffering animals that most people just close their eyes to.
2,500 songsbooks were sent to opinion leaders. 24% of the target group requested more Information. Dozens of regional newspapers jumped on the story the songbook was telling. As long as the horns are still blowing this songbook will stay a talkabout.
Shocking pictures of suffering animals are being used in animal protection campaigns all the time. But most people just close their eyes to them. The songbook picked up a very significant but powerful detail in the hunters' often romanticized 'business of killing': the outdated and cynical tradition of horn signals as an 'homage' to the animals deaths.