Red Brick DM Beer from around here, Packaging by 22squared

Beer from around here, Packaging
The Direct marketing titled Beer from around here, Packaging was done by 22squared advertising agency for subbrand: Red Brick Beer (brand: Red Brick) in United States. It was released in Jul 2010.

Red Brick: Beer from around here, Packaging

July 2010
July 2010

Credits & Description:

Red Brick is a craft beer made by Atlanta Brewing Company in Atlanta, GA. We redesigned not just their packaging, but their entire visual identity, using the tagline "Beer From Around Here" and the concept that all beer from outside the Southern states is effectively an import. We simplified the names of their products, added writing with Southern personality, and incorporated visual cues from Southern industrial products. With a limited ad budget, we made the packaging the advertising, and managed to turn a brand with no recognizable identity into a brand with not just an identity, but a rich cultural story.

Advertising Agency: 22Squared, Atlanta Georgia, USA

Creative Directors: Curt Mueller, Isvel Rodriguez

Art Directors: Isvel Rodriguez, Josh Robinson, Ryan Hoelting

Copywriter: Curt Mueller

Illustrators: Isvel Rodriguez, Ryan Hoelting

Designer: Ryan Hoelting

Published: May 2010