Converse Outdoor, Digital, Case study Donate Your Shadow [video] [alternative version] by La Comunidad Buenos Aires, The Community Miami

The Outdoor Advert titled Donate Your Shadow [video] [alternative version] was done by La Comunidad Buenos Aires, The Community Miami advertising agencies for Converse in United States. It was released in Mar 2015.

Converse: Donate Your Shadow [video] [alternative version]


Wave Festival, 2015
DirectProdutos e Serviços - Direct / PromoPRATA
DirectUso de Mídia e/ou Estratégias de Marketing DiretoPRATA
OutdoorRoupas, sapatos e acessóriosBRONZE
FIAP 2015
Promo, Activaciones y Marketing DirectoPromociones en la vía pública y acciones de campoSol de Bronce
Epica Awards 2015
Branded Content & EntertainmentBranded Content EntertainmentGold

Credits & Description:

Product: Converse
Advertiser: Converse HQ & Brasil
Título: Dona Tu Sombra
Agência: the community (la comunidad)
Anunciante: the community (la comunidad)
Diretor de criação: Joaquin Molla, Ricky Vior
Redator: Marcelo Padoca, Joaquin Molla
Diretor de arte: Fernando Reis, Sergio Skarek
Sinopse: To fight the Gray in São Paulo, Converse asked people to donate their shadows and then transformed that second of gray into a powerful statement of color.