Netflix Outdoor, Case study Narcos 3 - The White Countdown by Ubi Bene

Narcos 3 - The White Countdown
The Outdoor Advert titled Narcos 3 - The White Countdown was done by Ubi Bene advertising agency for subbrand: Narcos 3 (brand: Netflix) in France. It was released in Jan 2017.

Netflix: Narcos 3 - The White Countdown

January 2017
January 2017
Art Director


Eurobest Awards 2017
OutdoorUse Of Adapted Billboards / PostersBronze Eurobest

Credits & Description:

Client: Netflix
Product (Service): Narcos Original Series - Season 3
Agency: Ubi Bene Paris, France
Entrant: Ubi Bene Paris, France
Idea Creation: Ubi Bene Paris, France
Media Placement: Ubi Bene Paris, France
Pr: Ubi Bene Paris, France
Production: Ubi Bene Paris, France
President: Thierry Reboul (Ubi Bene)
General Manager: Michael Courcoux (Ubi Bene)
Art Director: Barbara Paloc (Ubi Bene)
Project Manager: Charlotte Morin (Ubi Bene)
Brief Explanation
To entertain the Narcos fans before the official release date of the season 3 episodes, Netflix promoted the show by turning the Champs-Elysées Avenue's Morris ad columns into giant cocaine-filled hourglasses in the street.
Pedestrians and drivers were hooked by the setup and generated fierce discussions on social networks, questioning whether it was tolerable in a public space.
Serendipity generated a lot of organic exposure among Parisians and their community as well as tourists who were surprised and wondered about the legality of such marketing practices.