Action On Hearing Loss Print Action On Hearing Loss by Miami Ad School San Francisco

Action On Hearing Loss
The Print Ad titled Action On Hearing Loss was done by Miami Ad School San Francisco advertising agency for Action On Hearing Loss in United States. It was released in May 2018.

Action On Hearing Loss: Action On Hearing Loss

Credits & Description:

Advertised brand: Action on Hearing Loss
Media: Digital
Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, San Francisco
Art Director: Nutnicha Pupé Achavakulthep
Copywriter: Prasiddha Thiyagarajan
Millennials complaining of hearing loss aren't really aware of the mild, moderate and high-frequency hearing losses because they have a preconceived notion that hearing loss means absolute deafness. In order to shatter this notion and make sure they take note of this early symptom, AHL hacks people’s Instagram on World Deafness day by playing the videos on their feed in multiple audio blur modes mimicking the different degrees of hearing loss, leading them to the online hearing check test. Through this, we hope people notice and identify their hearing loss earlier and get their hearing back to normalcy real quick.