Cat Society Promo, Case study CATS ON FACEBOOK by Leo Burnett Hong Kong

The Promo / PR Ad titled CATS ON FACEBOOK was done by Leo Burnett Hong Kong advertising agency for Cat Society in Hong Kong SAR China. It was released in Feb 2011.


February 2011
February 2011
Art Director
Art Director
Executive Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Charities, Public Health & Safety, Public Awareness Messages

Advertiser: CAT SOCIETY



Date of First Appearance: Feb 20 2011

Entrant Company: LEO BURNETT, Hong Kong, HONG KONG

Executive Creative Director: Connie Lo (Leo Burnett)

Group Creative Director/Art Director: Brian Ma (Leo Burnett)

Creative Director/Copywriter: Alfred Wong (Leo Burnett)

Creative Director/Copywriter: Wen Louie (Leo Burnett)

Copywriter: Joey Chung (Leo Burnett)

Art Director: Nicky Sun (Leo Burnett)

Art Director: Kenny Ip (Leo Burnett)

Account Manager: Kennie Chung (Leo Burnett)

IT Director: Hoi Yiu (Mouth Communications)

Media placement: Online - Facebook - 20 February 2011

Insights, Strategy & the Idea

Hong Kong Cat Society rescues abandoned cats, and finds them a new home. But as a small, independent voluntary organization, their resources are far fewer than large NGOs like the SPCA. A traditional way of promoting them would probably be relatively ineffective in achieving what they really want to do – find their cats new homes.

Creative Execution

In traditional animal adoption advertising, we are shown the brand without ever seeing the actual pets we’re being asked to adopt. But people adopt pets, not brands. So instead of just branding, we let 50 of our cats speak for themselves by opening Facebook accounts. They updated statuses, shared photos and videos, made posts and chatted with the many friends they made.

By sharing their hopes, dreams, and the harsh reality of street life, they told a community of over 500 million what they wanted most in life – a real home.

And all without having to pay a cent.

Results and Effectiveness

By letting our cats speak for themselves without being overshadowed by the brand, we changed the way pet adoption is promoted. In fact, this new approach aroused much more public and media interest than a straight advertising approach. Within 3 days, 50 of our cats made more than 8,000 friends. And within a month, all had been adopted. Other NGOs are being inspired too, and more cats are joining Facebook, making friends, and finding homes.