Itau Bank Promo #ITAUCARDRACHA by DPZ Sao Paulo

The Promo / PR Ad titled #ITAUCARDRACHA was done by DPZ Sao Paulo advertising agency for Itau Bank in Brazil. It was released in Feb 2011.


February 2011
February 2011
Creative Director
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Best use of Social Media Marketing in a Promotional Campaign



Agency: DPZ

Date of First Appearance: Feb 12 2011

Entrant Company: DPZ, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

Chief Creative Officer: José Zaragoza (DPZ)

Executive Creative Director: Fernando Rodrigues (DPZ)

Creative Director: Rafael Urenha (DPZ)

Creative Director: Sergio Stefano (DPZ)

Senior Copywriter: Camila Kintzel (DPZ)

Senior Art Director: Bruno Brazão (DPZ)

Art Assistant: Gulherme Bacellar (DPZ)

Motion: Fernando Colares (DPZ)

Director: Ana Laura Mello (Remix Social Ideas)

Director: Renato Castelo (U-Near)

Director: André Sarkozy (Pulse Promo)

Media placement: Social Media - Twitter - 02/12/2011

Describe the objective of the promotion.

To create buzz on social media networks, to publicize consumers’ choice for the next benefit to be offered by the card, to encourage registration via the promotional hotsite.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation.

We started with the concept, Random Acts of Kindness, and we used the brand ambassador's Twitter profile to invite consumers to make a request for a new benefit, followed by the hashtag #itaucardracha. The best, most creative requests were rewarded daily, during the promotional period.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service.

It was an innovative way of selling the benefit. Consumers were invited to participate with inputs, and these were used to create a data base of consumer desires, which could be used by the bank in the future. The cost was also negligible compared to traditional media, with a single insert on Luciano Huck's TV program, and the rest being publicized solely on Twitter, as spontaneous media.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results.

The client went from a 60% rejection rate on its microblog to 98% approval, obtaining 23,000 registrations and impacting at least 5 million people - based on the quantity of retweets in communications media and through web celebrity profiles. Consumers received 200 rewards, from more than 400,000 mentions on twitter alone, with 3 days on Trending Topics Brasil.