Maybelline Promo, Case study KISS TAGGING by Interesting Times

The Promo / PR Ad titled KISS TAGGING was done by Interesting Times advertising agency for subbrand: Maybelline Cosmetics (brand: Maybelline) in Lebanon. It was released in Mar 2011.

Maybelline: KISS TAGGING

March 2011
March 2011
Creative Director
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Best Use of Social Media Marketing

Advertiser: MAYBELLINE



Media Agency: UM, Beirut, LEBANON

Creative Director/Partner: Mo Alghossein (Interesting Times)

Creative Director/Partner: Jimmy Francis (Interesting Times)

Strategy Director/Partner: Ashraf Mansour (Interesting Times)

Managing Director/Partner: Wassim Bassil (Interesting Times)

Engagement: Myriam Mrad (Interesting Times)

Managing Director: Marwan Ghanem (Universal Media)

Media placement: facebook flyers - Facebook - March 2011

Insights, Strategy & the Idea

Maybelline was launching its ‘Color Sensational’ lipstick range in Lebanon and needed a Facebook Activation to compliment the above the line campaign. Facebook presence has become like a high school popularity contest for brands – with everyone trying to get people to ‘like’ them. And while many brands in the region have opted for the somewhat desperate ‘LIKE US AND WIN’ approach – for Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick the approach was far more engaging and interesting. We wanted to create a Maybelline Application that women could have fun with, all the while highlighting the key product attributes. Women mark their man with a kiss to let the world know he belongs to them when they feel competition. Women also happened to love one of Facebook’s most popular features: Photo Tagging. We introduced a new concept to Facebook known as: Kiss Tagging.

Creative Execution

To launch Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick on Facebook we introduced: KISS TAGGING - An innovative Facebook Application by Maybelline that allowed women to tag their man with their own Color Sensational Kiss in any Facebook photo. They had 4 different kisses to choose from: The Passionate Kiss, The Innocent Kiss, The Elegant Kiss, and The Simple Kiss! And women could choose to ‘Kiss and Tell’ or ‘Kiss and Don’t Tell’. The Kiss Tagging Application could only be activated after a user likes Maybelline’s Facebook page. The application also had a very effective viral component. Whenever a woman chose to ‘Kiss and Tell’ the Kiss Tag would appear on the wall of the person she kissed. And it would automatically generate a news feed that appears on her home page and that of the person she kissed, notifying all their friends.

Results and Effectiveness

During the one month of the activation we managed to recruit 11,231 users to 'like' our Maybelline New York Beirut Facebook page. 85% of which were women, and15% were men. The Kiss Tagging application generated 36,830 kisses. And 92% of the people chose to kiss and tell, resulting in 33,147 kisses and news-feeds posted on people’s walls.