Prefeitura De Belo Horizonte Zoo Promo DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS by Perfil 252

The Promo / PR Ad titled DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS was done by Perfil 252 advertising agency for subbrand: Prefeitura De Belo Horizonte Zoo (brand: Prefeitura De Belo Horizonte Zoo) in Brazil. It was released in Jan 2012.

Prefeitura De Belo Horizonte Zoo: DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS

January 2012
January 2012
Creative Director
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Best Use of Guerilla Marketing in a Promotional Campaign



Agency: PERFIL 252

Creative Director: Waldemar França (Perfil252)

Creative Director: Márcia Lima (Perfil252)

Art Director: Rafael Teixeira (Perfil252)

Copywriter: Cauby Tavares (Perfil252)

Media placement: Popcorn Bag 1 - Belo Horizonte Zoo - 01/01/2012

Media placement: Popcorn Bag 2 - Belo Horizonte Zoo - 01/01/2012

Media placement: Popcorn Bag 3 - Belo Horizonte Zoo - 01/01/2012

Media placement: Popcorn Bag 4 - Belo Horizonte Zoo - 01/01/2012

Describe the objective of the promotion.

Belo Horizonte's Zoo, in Brazil, has a lot of 'Do Not Feed The Animals' warnings spread throughout the park. Still, there're a lot of people who insist on disrespecting that warning. We needed to create a stunt to draw attention on the risks of animal feeding.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation.

We produced popcorn sacks with animals printed on them. The stunt simulated how accidents happened in zoos. Thus, the moment in which the visitor put his hand inside the bag for the popcorn, it looked like he had his hand inside the animal's mouth.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service.

The Belo Horizonte Zoo is a non-profit institution. And your main goal is to keep the animals well cared for and provide a pleasant environment for family recreation. The action was relevant for making the environment safer for visitors, teaching them to respect the limits of the animals and the safety rules.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results.

The action was taken during school holidays on a weekend, and impacted approximately 10,000 visitors. Upon receiving the bag of popcorn, the kids got the message and had a safe and fun time. Some liked it so much they took the bags home. But most important is that the rule 'do not feed the animals' was fully respected during the ride. An action that collectively helped to educate parents, children and visitors.