Sos Mata Atlantica Promo, Case study GOBYCHICKEN by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Sao Paulo

The Promo / PR Ad titled GOBYCHICKEN was done by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi Sao Paulo advertising agency for Sos Mata Atlantica in Brazil. It was released in Jun 2011.

Sos Mata Atlantica: GOBYCHICKEN

June 2011
June 2011
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Category: Environmental PR
Chief Creative Officer: Fabio Fernandes (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Creative Director: Eduardo Lima (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Head Of Art: João Linneu (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Copywriter: Eduardo Lima (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Copywriter: Mariana Borga (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Art Director: Fabio Brigido (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Planner Team: Monica Bauer (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Acount Team: Daniela Keller (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Acount Team: Luana Gregório (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Planner Manager: José Porto (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Public-Relations Manager: Maria Clara Cacaia Jorge (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi)
Advertiser's Supervisor: Marcia Hirota (SOS Mata Atlantica)
Art Director: Joao Linneu (F/Nazca Saatchi/Saatchi)
Media placement: Newspapaer - O estado de São paulp - 13 june 20111
Media placement: Tv Campaign - MTV - 13 june 20111
Media placement: Website - Folha de São Paulo - 13 june 20111
Summary of the Campaign
SOS Atlantic Forest usually chooses annual themes to work with. In 2011, it decided to talk about the harmful effects caused by CO2 emissions, especially the ones caused by traffic. In a country where the middle class gains increasing access to credit, the sales of automobiles also increase, with a direct impact on traffic. Just as an example, the city of São Paulo has the 6th worst traffic in the world.
The Situation
In 2011, the topic was the chaotic traffic in São Paulo and, consequently, its CO2 emission. The NGO wanted to alert people about the harm that this gas causes to the environment, to the forest and to the lives of the citizens. Topics related to the environment are considered boring and usually face difficulties, both to catch the attention of the public and to find space in the media. In other words, if we wanted the media and the people to engage in our cause, we would have to create a light-hearted campaign, with a new language.
The Goal
The goal of the campaign was to inform the population about this problem and show that, by improving the traffic in the city, Brazilians would be helping the forests of the country.
The Strategy
'Go by Chicken' challenged the population's opinions towards the traffic. 15 km/h was the same speed as a chicken moves. Therefore, why not abandon the car and go by chicken? In the first stage of the campaign, we created a website that explained the harm that the traffic and CO2 emission caused to the environment. On this website, we implemented the first photographic petition made in Brazil; when registering, people informed us of how many hours they spent in the traffic and took a photo with a chicken frame. In the second stage, we created a film that was aired exclusively on MTV. We made partnerships with car-pooling websites in order to stimulate this practice and generate a topic for the media. Finally, we did an action in movie theatres, where plush chickens were placed on the seats and the campaign message was projected on the screen: 'Chickens can arrive earlier than you'.
We challenged the population's opinions towards the traffic. 15 km/h is the same speed as a chicken moves. Therefore, why not abandon the car and go by chicken? In the first stage of the campaign, we created a website that explained the harm that the traffic and CO2 emission caused to the environment. On this website, we implemented the first photographic petition made in Brazil: when registering, people informed us of how many hours they spent in the traffic and took a photo with a chicken frame. In the second stage, we created a film that was aired exclusively on MTV. We made partnerships with car-pooling websites in order to stimulate this practice and generate a topic for the media. Finally, we did an action in movie theatres, where plush chickens were placed on the seats and the campaign message was projected on the screen: 'Chickens can arrive earlier than you'.
Documented Results
More than 100,000 referrals on Google Search. The campaign became a topic on the websites of large and important national news vehicles such as Folha Online and Globo Rural. Gilberto Dimenstein, one of the leading journalists in Brazil, got engaged with the campaign and used it as a topic on 3 of his radio shows on the CBN station. We ran ads in some of the major newspapers in Brazil, such as Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo and Destak.