Clube De Regatas Do Flamengo Promo, Case study FLAMENGO JERSEYS DESIGNED BY UNICEF CHILDREN by CaradeCao Filmes

The Promo / PR Ad titled FLAMENGO JERSEYS DESIGNED BY UNICEF CHILDREN was done by CaradeCao Filmes advertising agency for subbrand: Unicef Partnership (brand: Clube De Regatas Do Flamengo) in Brazil. It was released in Nov 2011.


Credits & Description:

Category: Best Use of Sponsorship




Creative: Sergio Gordilho (Africa Sao Paulo)

Creative: Marcio Juniot (Africa Sao Paulo)

Creative: Vico Benevides (Africa Sao Paulo)

Creative: Ricardo Franco (Africa Sao Paulo)

Creative: Gabriel Jardim (Africa Sao Paulo)

Account Manager: Beto Pires Ferreira (Africa Sao Paulo)

Account Superviser: Felipe Soalheiro (Africa Sao Paulo)

Director: Luiz Leitao (Cara De Cao Producoes)

Producer: Neusa Duarte (Cara De Cao Producoes)

Client: Patricia Amorim (Clube De Regatas Flamengo)

Client: Cristiana Lobo (Clube De Regatas Flamengo)

: Alexandre Amorim (UNICEF)

Media placement: Event - - 6 november 2011

Summary of the Campaign

Flamengo, the most popular soccer team in Brazil, has made a partnership with UNICEF.

How do you present this unprecedented union to Flamengo supporters and all soccer fans?

We decided to use Flamengo's most important symbol: the jersey. But not like all others brands.

The idea: change Flamengo's original kit numbers with new numbers designed by children.

How? Asking UNICEF Children to draw numbers. After this the numbers were printed on Flamengo's jerseys.

It was the first time that a soccer team changed their official numbers to promote a partnership.

The results couldn't be better. Flamengo played against Cruzeiro using children numbers on the jersey. The game was broadcast live. We had 90 minutes of free media on Flamengo's shirt.

The most important sports shows and newspapers have noticed the children's numbers and the partnership.

Besides that, on the day of the game, the partnership was a trending topic on Twitter with more than 3,500 mentions in a couple of hours.

In brief: we do not spend a dime with the idea and the whole country heard about the partnership.

The Situation

Flamengo, the most popular Brazilian soccer team has united with UNICEF. We needed to promote that.

The Insight

Who watches a football game and looks all the time at the numbers of players' shirts?

What if we change, for the first time, the design of the numbers in a way to catch everyone's attention?

The Goal

We needed to promote the partnership for all Flamengo supporters and the media.

The Strategy

We asked for children who are assisted by UNICEF to draw numbers from 0 to 9 on paper. After that, we printed those numbers on the back of Flamengo's official jerseys.

On November 6th, Flamengo came on the field for the game against Cruzeiro, for the national championship, using the jerseys with the numbers drawn by the children of UNICEF.


It was implemented in a Flamengo versus Cruzeiro game. All Flamengo players played with children's numbers on the shirt.

Documented Results

The results couldn't be better. Flamengo played against Cruzeiro using children numbers on the jersey. The game was broadcast live. We had 90 minutes of free media on Flamengo's shirt.

The most important sports shows and newspapers have noticed the children numbers and the partnership.

Besides that, on the day of the game, the partnership was trending topic on Twitter with more than 3,500 mentions in a couple of hours.

In brief: we did not spend a dime with the idea and the whole country heard about the partnership.

90 minutes of live media with no costs;

3,446 mentions on Twitter in only a few hours, becoming Brazil's #1 trending topic;

Articles in major Brazilian and global newspapers and websites;

News reports on open and cable TV;

In a way never seen before, and with no costs, the whole country learned about this unique partnership.