Vodafone Promo, Case study THE COMPANY VOICE OF HOLLAND by Achtung! Amsterdam, OMD Amsterdam

The Promo / PR Ad titled THE COMPANY VOICE OF HOLLAND was done by Achtung! Amsterdam, OMD Amsterdam advertising agencies for Vodafone in Netherlands. It was released in Dec 2012.


December 2012
December 2012

Credits & Description:

Advertiser: VODAFONE
Agency: ACHTUNG!
Category: Best Use of Integrated Media
Partner: Dick Buschman (Achtung!)
Senior Media Planner: Johannes Van Manen (OMD)
Client Director: Ludovic Van Mierlo (OMD)
Campaign Specialist: Renate Van Den Hengel (Vodafone)
Manager Media/Marcom Planning: Willem-Albert Bol (Vodafone)
RTV Director: Diana Haminoto (OMD)
Head Of Marcoms: Eva Ruiz (Vodafone)
Senior RTV Planner: Thomas Haazelager (OMD)

Decision makers were asked to submit their company operator for TCVOH online. The operator was called and the response was put online and could be rated. The first prize for the best operator was a concert of the real winner of TVOH for the company. Awareness of this competition and the new business proposition OneNet was created with billboards along highways, a targeted radio channel selection and a DM-pack sent to both decision makers and operators. Using online media and a partnership with radio channel BNR (high business affinity), participation of the campaign were stimulated.In addition, we have worked closely with the Vodafone account team for the follow-up. The prize winner was announced during a Friday night program on radio channel BNR.The timing of this campaign was perfectly adjusted to the popular original TV program TVOH as the finales of both campaigns were on the same night.

The Company Voice Of Holland•245 registrations, 1,992 votesBrand KPI's•38,000 visitors One Net page Vodafone website (+57% above average)•Average 2:01 minutes visit duration (+38 seconds above average)•7.3% brochure downloads•42 requests for information•155 requests by phoneThe conversion of this business campaign was twice as high as average Vodafone business campaigns.

In a business market dominated by competitor KPN, Vodafone wanted to introduce its new proposition OneNet: 1 phone number for fixed and mobile usage. Decision-makers (CFOs, CIOs) are different people to users (operators, employees) with different needs. Decision-makers mainly pay attention to costs, as operators want to connect clients with employees quickly and easily. We decided to point out to decision-makers the crucial role that operators play in their company and that it is important to take their needs into account. After all, there is only one chance for a company to make a first impression with clients. The value of operators is so high that it should be rewarded. As their voice is the most important instrument of operators, a logical link was made with the concept The Voice Of Holland, of which Vodafone is a co-owner. A competition called The Company Voice Of Holland (TCVOH) was born!