Fundación Secretariado Gitano Radio COURT by Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi Madrid

The Radio ad titled COURT was done by Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi Madrid advertising agency for subbrand: Gipsy Discrimination Prevention (brand: Fundación Secretariado Gitano) in Spain. It was released in Nov 2004.

Fundación Secretariado Gitano: COURT

Credits & Description:

Advertising Agency: SAATCHI & SAATCHI, SPAIN, Madrid
Creative Director: Carlos Anuncibay
Scriptwriter: David Valgañon/Paloma Acedo/Carmen Pacheco/Luis Monroy
Agency Producer: Javier Jimenez
Account Supervisor: Beatriz Alcaraz
Advertiser's Supervisor: Benjamin Cabaleiro/Virginia Castrejana/Virginia Moraleda

Script in English

Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?

Juror: The jury declares the defendant guilty!

Judge: By the powers granted to me, I hereby sentence you to three years in jail. And you, the gentleman in the fourth row, to five years… and the blonde woman member of the jury, to six years… and the baby she is carrying in arms, to two years… Stenographer, have you got all that down…

Stenographer : Yes, your honour...I’ve noted it all down.

Judge: Well, note down four years for yourself, too.

VO: That’s the way we treat the Gypsy Community. Know them before you judge them
Script in Orginal Language

Juez: Tiene el jurado su veredicto?

Jurado: El jurado declara al acusado culpable!

Juez: Por el poder que me ha sido concedido, le condeno a tres años de prisión. Y a usted, el de la cuarta fila, a cinco años… Y a la rubia del jurado, seis años… Y al bebe que lleva en brazos, dos años…

Juez : Ha apuntado todo señora taquigrafa…

Taquigrafa : Si... lo tengo todo

Juez : pues apuntese cuatro años para usted también.

VO: Así tratamos a la Comunidad Gitana. Conócelos antes de juzgarlos