Maryland State Lottery Radio INSTANT MESSAGING by Eisner Communications

The Radio ad titled INSTANT MESSAGING was done by Eisner Communications advertising agency for Maryland State Lottery in United States. It was released in Feb 2005.

Maryland State Lottery: INSTANT MESSAGING

February 2005
February 2005
Account Supervisor
Creative Director

Credits & Description:

Advertising Agency: EISNER COMMUNICATIONS, USA, New York
Creative Director: Craig Strydom
Scriptwriter: Chris McHale
Agency Producer: Mary Holland
Account Supervisor: David Blum

Script in English

SFX: Elevator Bell.

GUY 1: She’s online right now!

GUY 2: Awesome.

GUY 1: Help me out man. What does this mean? She wants to meet me at TEOTD. What is that like a restaurant or something?

GUY 2: No. That means at the end of the day. Here’s what you type – SOTFML.

GUY 1: What does that mean?

GUY 2: Oh, it means Scratch Off Ticket from Maryland Lottery.

GUY 1: Why am I typing that?

GUY 2: You’re telling her to go pick up a Scratchelorette and Scratchelor ticket from the Maryland Lottery. Look. Here’s how it works. You match up a date and you have a chance to win up to ten times. It’s a lot of fun. A chance to win up to $10,000. By introducing this to her in chat lingo, okay, this gives you guys an activity (GUY 1 Screams Whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa!!) for when you...

GUY 1: She says she want to have a F to F. Uh-oh!

GUY 2: That’s face to face.

GUY 1: Oh. You know what?

GUY 2: What?

GUY 1: If she has a friend, you’re not going out with her. Okay?

GUY 2: You know what? I don’t really want to date anyone that I have to type to.

GUY 1: That’s cause you can’t type.

GUY 2: That’s fair. MDLLYP.

GUY 1: What does that mean?

GUY 2: Maryland Lottery. Let yourself play.

GUY1: I’m going to lunch.

GUY 2: EYS. Enjoy your salad.

GUY 1: Bye.
Brief Explanation

In this spot, two friends discuss dating over the internet (Instant Messaging) as a way to advertise the new Scratchelor/Scratchelorette scratch-off tickets which are based on a popular dating show.