Bandsports Film, Digital PARENTAL CONTROL by Ogilvy Sao Paulo

The Film titled PARENTAL CONTROL was done by Ogilvy Sao Paulo advertising agency for Bandsports in Brazil. It was released in Jun 2011.


June 2011
June 2011
Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
Art Director
Creative Director
Account Supervisor


Cannes Lions 2011
Promo & Activation LionsBest Online Advertising in a Promotional CampaignBronze
FIAP 2012
Media InnovationInternetBronze Sol

Credits & Description:

Type of Entry: Use of Promo & Activation
Category: Best Online Advertising in a Promotional Campaign
Advertiser/Client: BANDSPORTS
Product/Service: SPORTS CHANNEL
Entrant Company: OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo, BRAZIL
Sales Promotion/Advertising Agency: OGILVY BRASIL São Paulo, BRAZIL
VP Executive Creative Director: Anselmo Ramos (Ogilvy Brasil)
Creative Director: Fred Saldanha (Ogilvy Brasil)
Art Director: Fernando Reis (Ogilvy Brasil)
Art Director: Izabella Cabral (Ogilvy Brasil)
Art Director: Olivia Cho (Ogilvy Brasil)
Copywriter: Marcelo Padoca (Ogilvy Brasil)
Copywriter: Fred Aramis (Ogilvy Brasil)
Account Manager: Evandro Guimarães (Ogilvy Brasil)
Account Supervisor: Carolina Vieira (Ogilvy Brasil)
Project Manager: Maíra Quagliato (Ogilvy Brasil)
Project Manager: Emerson Luis Lima da Silva (Ogilvy Brasil)
Motion: Rubens Angelo (Ogilvy Brasil)
Motion: Paulo Caldas (Ogilvy Brasil)
Front end engineer: Felipe Rodrigues (Ogilvy Brasil)
Sound Design/Arrangement:: S de Samba (S de Samba)
Agency Producer: Nana Bittencourt, (Ogilvy Brasil)
Agency Producer: Maurício Granado (Ogilvy Brasil)
Describe the brief from the client:
Brazilians breathe football and love their teams.
A love passed from father to son since very early on.
But, sometimes things go wrong and disappointed fathers lose their beloved sons for teams that they hate.
How can they protect their innocent kids from the bad influence of kids who support other teams?
BandSports Tv Channel has decided to do something about it.
Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation:
We created BandSports Parental Control. A free, easy-to-install browser app. You choose your team and the team you need to block. You can select any of the major Brazilian teams. If your kid tries to look up other team’s winning goals Band Sports Parental Control immediately filters all YouTube sports content, so your kid sees only the results you want.
Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results:
BandSports Parental Control was one of the most downloaded and commented browser apps in Brazil this year. And, most importantly, there are more parents and kids together supporting the same team throughout the country.
Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service:
Because fathers want their little sons to support the same team they do and watch all the games together on BandSports TV Channel.