Bcaa Film Munchies by One Twenty Three West

The Film titled Munchies was done by One Twenty Three West advertising agency for Bcaa in Canada. It was released in Aug 2018.

Bcaa: Munchies

August 2018
March 2020

Credits & Description:

Media: TV
Category: Finance & insurance
Client: BCAA
Agency: One Twenty Three West, Vancouver
Country: Canada
Published: July 2018
With legalized cannabis coming October 17, BCAA teams up with One Twenty Three West to launch a new awareness campaign around impaired driving, after a national CAA study showed that 20% of 18-34 year old Canadian drivers think they drive the same or even better when high. BCAA takes road safety seriously, and for Shawn Pettipas, BCAA’s Director of Community Engagement, the facts are troublesome. While this paints a grim picture, a new BCAA survey shows another side to the story, with the majority of millennials thinking and acting responsibly around impaired driving. BCAA believes millennials have the potential to lead all generations in high-driving prevention.