Bischoefliches Hilfswerk Misereor Film Courage to Act by Kolle Rebbe Hamburg

The Film titled Courage to Act was done by Kolle Rebbe Hamburg advertising agency for Bischoefliches Hilfswerk Misereor in Germany. It was released in Aug 2011.

Bischoefliches Hilfswerk Misereor: Courage to Act

Credits & Description:

Misereor, the German Catholic Bishops Organisation for Development Cooperation, supports humans in need - regardless of religion, ethnicity or gender, mostly in poor and politically instable coutnries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. What do we, living in safety, stabilty and abundance, know about the people whose cause Misereor supports? The 2011 campaign by German agency Kolle Rebbe, "Courage to Act", highlights the bravery with which these indomitable people act in the face of injustice, hardship and war: they resist, question, fight, and stay.

Advertising Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg, Germany

Creative Directors: Lorenz Ritter, Christian Doering

Art Directors: Julia Siniaeva, Andreas Meier

Copywriter: Sabine Kuckuck

Consultant: Jan Kowalsky

Producer: Emanuel Mugrauer

Production: Sehsucht

Director: Mate Steinforth

Animation: Mate Steinforth, Helge Kiehl, Christian Zschunke, Hannes Weikert, Philipp Brömme, Alex Glawion, Ronny Schmidt

Compositing: Helge Kiehl

Producer: Julia Rudloff

Music / Sound Design: Vandertone Music and Sound Manufactory