Chernyi Cooperative Film, Digital Coffee is not a drug by Possible Moscow

The Film titled Coffee is not a drug was done by Possible Moscow advertising agency for Chernyi Cooperative in Russia. It was released in Nov 2016.

Chernyi Cooperative: Coffee is not a drug

November 2016
November 2016
Creative Director
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Coffee is not a drug campaign is the first legal product advertisement on darknet. Creative agency, POSSIBLE Moscow, is helping the Chernyi Cooperative sell its 'Black' coffee through Tor, the anonymous communication network. The shop operates at cherniyx23pmfane.onion. Once a purchase is made using Bitcoins and the Qiwi payment system, buyers receive coordinates as to the whereabouts of their stash.
Alternative Title: A Coffee So Dark You Need Tor To Find It
Media: TV
Category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Media: Online
Client: Chernyi Cooperative
Brand: Chernyi Black Coffee
Agency: Possible
Advertising Agency: Possible, Moscow, Russia
Creative Director: Vlad Sitnikov
Idea: Maxim Fedorov
Copywriters: Maxim Fedorov, Artem Trofimov
Art Director: Anton Vodogreev
Illustrators: Anton Vodogreev, Stas Vasiliev
Digital Producers: Ivan Bormotov, Kirill Nikitin
Film Director: Artur Miroshnichenko
Music: Sounds Like A Plan, Bad Zu, Filipp Alexandrov
Geo: Russia
Published: November 2016