Cuca Film This is Angola by TBWA\ Luanda

The Film titled This is Angola was done by TBWA\ Luanda advertising agency for Cuca in Angola. It was released in Nov 2014.

Cuca: This is Angola

November 2014
November 2014
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Every single shot, frame, person, character, icon, word, slang and sound is authentic, absolutely real and genuine. 100% Angolan. Itâs a tailor made concept for what the brand stands for and for what it means for the consumer that touches in the most very sensitive points on the Angolan people: their pride and their love for their country. Their essence basically. All of this delivered trough a great symbiosis between beautiful images and a powerful voice over executed in a way that was never seen before in Angolan advertising. This is Angola. This is Cuca. D
Brand: Cuca
Media: TV
Category: Alcoholic Drinks
Agency: TBWA
Geo: Angola
Cuca: This is Angola
Advertising Agency: TBWA, Luanda, Angola
Creative Directors: Diogo Peixoto, Miguel Reis
Art Director: João Martins, Diogo Peixoto
Copywriter: Sara Sezifredo, Miguel Reis
Published: November 2014