Desperados Film, Digital Madrugada Desperada

The Film titled Madrugada Desperada was done for Desperados in Brazil. It was released in Aug 2016.

Desperados: Madrugada Desperada

August 2016
August 2016
Production Agency


Wave Festival 2017
Branded ContentCampanha Integrada - Branded ContentPrata

Credits & Description:

Agência/Agency: Conspiração Filmes Sa (Sp)
Anunciante/Advertiser: Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil Sa
Diretor de criação/Creative Director: João Costa
Fotógrafo/Photographer: Cauê Ito e Carlos Zalazik
Redator/Editor: Carol Albuquerque
Outros créditos: Vice-Presidente de Marketing Heineken Brasil: Daniela Cachich
Produtora/Production Company: Conspiração Filmes
Diretor/Director: Tom Stringhini
In early 2016, Desperados was new in Brazil. As a daring, urban, disruptive brand, they needed to get closer to its audience. The solution was to create an 8-episode web series to reveal underground artistic interventions happening in the streets of São Paulo between midnight and dawn, hosted by TV star Fernanda Young. The series concept came to life when the interventions were transposed into an art/music occupation followed by a series of parties in one of Sao Paulo’s most iconic galleries.