Bethesda Softworks Film Fight Like Hell Cinematic Trailer by Akqa New York

The Film titled Fight Like Hell Cinematic Trailer was done by Akqa New York advertising agency for subbrand: DOOM (brand: Bethesda Softworks) in United States. It was released in Apr 2016.

Bethesda Softworks: Fight Like Hell Cinematic Trailer

April 2016
April 2016
Production Agency

Credits & Description:

AKQA created the Fight Like Hell trailer, which captures the frenetic tone and attitude of the genre–defining video game by translating it into a live action realization of gameplay. Directed by Joseph Kosinski, renowned feature film director of Oblivion and Tron: Legacy - this unique trailer allows viewers to witness DOOM like never before with fast moving live action fight sequences.
Media: TV
Category: Other
Client: Bethesda Softworks/ DOOM
Agency: AKQA, New York
Production: Reset Content
Country: United States of America
Director: Joseph Kosinski
Edit: Union Editorial
Sound Design: Formosa Group
Audio Consultant: COPILOT
Audio Mix: COLOR
Physical Props: Legacy FX