Europcar Film, Ambient The Carousel of Dreams by Rosapark Paris

The Film titled The Carousel of Dreams was done by Rosapark Paris advertising agency for Europcar in France. It was released in Jul 2016.

Europcar: The Carousel of Dreams

July 2016
July 2016
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Account manager
Account manager


Cristal Awards 2016
MediaBest use of AmbientSapphire (Silver)

Credits & Description:

Media: TV
Media: Ambient
Category: Automotive
Client: Europcar
Agency: Rosapark
Country: France
Country: France
Director: Vincent Rodella
Creative Director: Mark Forgan
Creative Director: Jamie-Edward Standen
Art Director: Benedicte Morin
Copywriter: Yara Dalens
Producer: Hugo-Nathan Legrand
Producer: Tristan Beraud
Production company: Birth
Planner: Alexandre Ribichesu
Account manager: Soraya Cottin
Account manager: Laurene Chabrol
Head of Amplification: Mickaël Mougenot
Art Buyer: Camille Asal
Rosapark Cofounders : Jean-Patrick Chiquiar, Jean-François Sacco, Gilles Fichteberg
To promote Europcar’s new international communication strategy and the ultra-customization of its offers, Paris agency Rosapark created a film and outdoor campaign to leverage the brand slogan "Moving Your Way". The slogan has been rephrased to include first names - a fresh and immersive way to highlight the brand's ability to provide personalized offers and services, such as ToMyDoor (vehicles delivered to the customer’s home or office) or Selection (luxury cars). The names themselves have been hand-written to further emphasize the international rental agency’s dedication to its customers’ ever-evolving needs.