Ford Film, Digital Happy Solstice by Team Detroit

The Film titled Happy Solstice was done by Team Detroit advertising agency for Ford in United States. It was released in Jan 2015.

Ford: Happy Solstice

January 2015
January 2015
Production Agency
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Even on the shortest day of the year, the owners of Ford hybrid and electric cars are able to draw enough energy from the sun to power their vehicles according to an uplifting new ad from Team Detroit for the automaker.
Alternative Title: Darkest day
Category: Automotive
Client: Ford
Agency: Team Detroit
Production: Original
Director: David Wild
Executive Creative Director: Toby Barlow
Creative Director: Greg Mills
Art Director: Greg Mills
Copywriter: Toby Barlow
Copywriter: John Stoll
Agency Producer: Sumer Friedrichs
Original: Joe Piccirillo, Executive Producer; Sally Schaffer, Line Producer.
Cutters, Detroit. Louis Lyne, Editor.