Gilt Film The Chase by Berlin Cameron

The Film titled The Chase was done by Berlin Cameron advertising agency for Gilt in United States. It was released in Mar 2014.

Gilt: The Chase

March 2014
March 2014
Production Agency

Credits & Description:

Brand: Gilt
Media: TV
Category: Clothing & footwear
Agency: Berlin Cameron United
Geo: United States
Gilt: The Chase
Models beware. Fashion-minded Gilt customers are on the hunt for your designer duds, and they’ll leave you standing in your skivvies. The new campaign from Berlin Cameron United depicts a playful game of chase in which Gilt members chase down models throughout a city for their high-end fashion looks. The pursuit starts just before noon, which coincides with the daily release of new fashion on Just as noon strikes, the Gilt member taps the Gilt app on her phone, and the model’s clothes rip off of her and fly onto the satisfied shopper. Gilt member: 1, Model: 0.
Advertising Agency: Berlin Cameron United, New York, USA
Production: El Camino Films
Executive Creative Director / Art Director: Roald van Wyk
Copywriter: Kim Devall
Director: Christopher Sweeney
Executive Producer: Jennifer Glendining
Account Director: Wynter O-Blanquet
Editing Company: Final Cut
Editor: JD Smyth