Google Film, Digital Evovled [video] by Google Creative Lab

The Film titled Evovled [video] was done by Google Creative Lab advertising agency for Google in United States. It was released in Jan 2016.

Google: Evovled [video]

January 2016
January 2016


D&AD Awards, 2016
BrandingBranding Schemes/Large OrganisationGraphite Pencil

Credits & Description:

Agency: Google, Inc
Design Group: Google Inc.
Google, evolved was an effort to ensure that the Google brand was recognizable across the many different platforms, apps and devices where people find us every day -- often many times a day. We took the Google logo and branding, which were originally built for a single desktop browser page, and updated them for a world of seamless computing across an endless number of devices and different kinds of inputs (such as tap, type and talk). Google’s new Logo & Identity was created to make Google more accessible and useful for users across devices and platforms.