Grona Lund Film, Digital The Zombie Kiss Cam by Pool

The Film titled The Zombie Kiss Cam was done by Pool advertising agency for Grona Lund in Sweden. It was released in Apr 2015.

Grona Lund: The Zombie Kiss Cam

April 2015
April 2015
Art Director
Production Agency

Credits & Description:

To create a buzz around this years new attraction called House of Nightmares, Swedish theme park Gröna Lund made a terrifying April Fool's prank. During a movie premier in Stockholm we hid a starving zombie in the audience and then launched a romantic kiss cam. Agency Pool Stockholm
Category: Entertainment & leisure
Brand: Gröna Lund Theme Park
Media: Ambient
Agency: Pool Stockholm
Production: Stopp
Country: Sweden
Director: Fredrik Broander
Art Director: PJ Lindqvist
Copywriter: Björn Wigenius
Executive Producer: Sarah Grey
Agency Producer: Johanna Törnblom
Agency Producer: Eva Inde