Marisa Stores Film Baby Look by Fischer America Sao Paulo

The Film titled Baby Look was done by Fischer America Sao Paulo advertising agency for Marisa Stores in Brazil. It was released in Feb 2013.

Marisa Stores: Baby Look

February 2013
February 2013
Art Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Creative Director


FIAP 2013
Innovación en Medios y Público ObjetivoMedios no tradicionalesSol de Plata

Credits & Description:

Category: Corporate Image & Information
Advertiser: MARISA
Product/Service: MARISA
Chief Creative Office: Mario D´andrea (Fischer & Friends)
Creative Director: Daniela Ribeiro (Fischer & Friends)
Creative Director: Diogo Melo (Fischer & Friends)
Copywriter: Rafael Moreno (Fischer & Friends)
Art Director: Widerson Souza (Fischer & Friends)
Art Director: Thiago Lacorte (Fischer & Friends)
Media placement: Ambient Media - Santa Joana´s Hospital - 26 April 2012

Describe the objective of the promotion.
To emotionally touch woman, we created a guerrilla to Mother´s Day.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation.
We had to find a Hospital and a Printer Company. Then, on April 26 we realised the Baby Look Project.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service.
Marisa is a wear brand, so we dressed woman on the most important moment of their lifes.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results.
After see the case, the client expended three times more on digital media.