McDonald's Film Love Namin Kayo by Leo Burnett Manila

The Film titled Love Namin Kayo was done by Leo Burnett Manila advertising agency for McDonald's in Philippines. It was released in Jan 2016.

McDonald's: Love Namin Kayo

January 2016
January 2016

Credits & Description:

The Philippines celebrates the Christmas season the longest in the world - as early as September up until early January. For Filipinos, it is a season marked by homecomings and family reunions. This time of year becomes especially precious in a country where many parents are forced to leave their families for overseas employment. As 2015 closed and the New Year approached, McDonald's Philippines launched a timely tribute to parents. The film, created by Leo Burnett Manila, showcases bittersweet everyday moments between children and parents. The soundtrack resurrects a local hit song "Handog (Offering)" by Filipino music icon Florante in the 70s. The song was originally penned as a singer's tribute to his fans for their love and devotion, alongside the wish for them to be together longer, even with the certainty of time passing by. The McDonald's film provides a new poignant perspective by having children singing the song to their parents in the soundtrack.
Media: TV
Category: Restaurants & fast food
Agency: Leo Burnett Manila
Country: Philippines