Netflix Film Picture My Mood by Miami Ad School Miami

The Film titled Picture My Mood was done by Miami Ad School Miami advertising agency for Netflix in United States. It was released in Aug 2017.

Netflix: Picture My Mood

August 2017
August 2017
Art Director

Credits & Description:

Advertised brand: Netflix
Advert title: Picture My Mood
Advertising Agency: Miami Ad School, Miami, USA
Art Director: Yann Loussouarn
Copywriter: Adam Rathbun
Published/Released: June 2017
Description/Release synopsis:
Have you ever had music that listened to you? Music that changed based on both what you were doing and how you were feeling? As part of its new movie-suggestion algorithm, Netflix teamed up with Spotify to create a cinematic music experience independent of tiresome browsing. Introducing Picture My Mood. All you need to do is open it on Spotify and select the genre of film, such as rom-com, western, and noir.
Picture My Mood constantly evolves your personal film score as you move about your day, as if you are your own protagonist. And when you finally come home, you can simply open your connected Netflix account to pick from a special queue that suggests based on what you have been listening to.