RAK'N'ROLL FOUNDATION Film Rak'n'Roll Foundation by Grey Warsaw

The Film titled Rak'n'Roll Foundation was done by Grey Warsaw advertising agency for RAK'N'ROLL FOUNDATION in Poland. It was released in Mar 2018.

RAK'N'ROLL FOUNDATION: Rak'n'Roll Foundation

March 2018
March 2020

Credits & Description:

Media: Direct Marketing
Category: Charities & appeals
Agency: GREY
Country: Poland
Director: Anna Pańczyk
Executive Creative Director: Jakub Korolczuk
Deputy Creative Director: Rafał Ryś
Art Director: Antoni Kamiński
Copywriter: Adam Sierociński
Creative Director/ art director: Rała Ryś
Strategist: Mateusz Cukierski
PR & Social media manager: Adrianna Fajerska
PR Senior Account Executive: Natalia Jaworowska
Business Growth Director: Katarzyna Szewczuk
Account Manager: Katarzyna Szewczyk
Production: SHOOTME Visual Artists
Head of Production: Pola Langowska
Production Assistant: Maja Ajnenkiel
Photograph: Karol Grygoruk
Director: Marcin Filipowicz
Cameraman: Mateusz Skalski
Head of Music: Michał Krajewski / CORD
Beer that helps get thru cancer. Ever since its beginnings, the Rak'n'Roll charity foundation has been working towards the improvement of the quality of life of cancer patients. However, collecting money for charity is hard and occasional. That's is why the Rak'n'Roll decreased its income by 20% in 2017.
Grey Poland together with local brewery made a new beer brand and turned it into a self-sufficient donation engine. There were 1500 bottles, and with each sold bottle a donation of 50 Eurocents was made to the foundation. Remaining income was spent on brewing the next batch of beer. Furthermore, the beer name is the registered charity number. If you add it to your tax form, donation will be transferred to Rak'n'Roll. Before the end of the tax year we already gathered 50% more tax based charity donations than in 2017.