The Wayfarer Foundation Film One-to-One by Wayfarer Entertainment

The Film titled One-to-One was done by Wayfarer Entertainment advertising agency for The Wayfarer Foundation in United States. It was released in Jun 2020.

The Wayfarer Foundation: One-to-One

June 2020
November 2020
Creative Director


Cresta Awards 2020
Brand EntertainmentBranded film/video (factual)Bronze

Credits & Description:

Title of Entry: One-to-One
Brand: The Wayfarer Foundation
Product/Service: The Skid Row Carnival of Love
Client: The Wayfarer Foundation
Entrant Company: Wayfarer Entertainment
Creative Agency: Wayfarer Entertainment
Duration of Entry: 01:00
Creative Director: Farhoud Meybodi
Production Company: Wayfarer Entertainment
Producer: Sarah Stoker
Date of Release: 2020-06-17
Director: Farhoud Meybodi
DOP: Scott Simock
Editor: Josh Snyder
Sound Engineer: Jamey Heath
Executive Producers: Justin Baldoni
Executive Producers: Ahmed Musiol
Executive Producers: Farhoud Meybodi
Notes: The annual Skid Row Carnival of Love (SRCOL), is the largest event of its kind in the United States serving our unhoused neighbors in, and around, downtown Los Angeles. Occupying over 20,000 square feet in the heart of Skid Row, the Carnival’s 2,000 volunteers serve over 4,000 guests each year delivering resources provided by government, non-profit, and private partners.
The One-to-One campaign was released in Q3 of 2020 in hopes of spreading empathy for the community experiencing homelessness, and amassing public support for them in the age of COVID-19. To date, we've raised 100,000.00 dollars from this campaign which has been spent on weekly meal healthy service and PPE for the skid row community.