Tommy John Film The Big Adjustment by Preacher

The Film titled The Big Adjustment was done by Preacher advertising agency for Tommy John in United States. It was released in Oct 2015.

Tommy John: The Big Adjustment

October 2015
October 2015
Production Agency
Art Director
Art Director

Credits & Description:

It's time to end to all the picking, pulling, and yanking for everyone's sake. A new era of comfort starts at Tommy John makes men's underwear, undershirts, t-shirts and socks that eliminate the discomfort.Agency Preacher re-imagined the fit, feel and function of man's most fundamental layers. We built and patented new features from scratch. The result? Shirts that stay tucked, socks that stay up and underwear that keeps everything in place, whichever way a man moves.
Category: Online services
Client: Tommy John/
Agency: Preacher
Production: Smuggler
Country: United States of America
Director: Guy Shelmerdine
Chief Creative Officer: Rob Baird
Copywriter: Joe Hartley
Art Director: Taryn Kealani
Art Director: Eric Pieper
Executive Producer: Allison Kunzman
DoP: Sebastian Pfaffenbichler
Agency Producer: Stacey Higgins
Agency Producer: Shannon Worley
Chief Executive Officer: Krystle Loyland
Chief Strategy Officer: Seth Gaffney
Strategist: Carson Mobley
Business Affairs: Susan Conklin
CEO, Founder: Tom Patterson
Head of Brand: Josh Dean
VP of E-Commerce: Matt Kritzer
Social Media Director: Monica Fineis
Partner: Patrick Milling Smith
Partner: Brian Carmody
Head of Production: Andrew Colon