Trojan Film Fifty Shades of Real Pleasure

The Film titled Fifty Shades of Real Pleasure was done for Trojan in United States. It was released in Feb 2015.

Trojan: Fifty Shades of Real Pleasure

February 2015
February 2015

Credits & Description:

Brand: Trojan
Media: TV
Category: Health & Beauty
Geo: United States
Trojan: Fifty Shades of Real Pleasure
Watch the Trojan Fifty Shades movie parody and see how you can get out of the grey area and into 50 Shades of Real Pleasure, with our latest lubricant and vibrator innovations. Remember you donât need to go to extremes to have extremely good sex. Simple additions to your bedroom essentials such as Trojan Lubricants and Trojan Vibrations can increase the pleasure for both partners.