Trolli Film, Digital James Harden by Periscope

The Film titled James Harden was done by Periscope advertising agency for Trolli in United States. It was released in Apr 2016.

Trolli: James Harden

April 2016
April 2016
Production Agency

Credits & Description:

Basketball mega-star James Harden isn't the only one with an iconic piece of hair. In fact, the weirdest beard in the NBA meets its match in one teen’s fabulous afro full of Trolli-lovin' cats. It's an idea that’s as funky and unique as James Harden himself.Additionally, Periscope, Minneapolis created two almost exact versions this spot. One with the offbeat presence of James and his weird beard. And one with an equally quirky girl. Why the switcheroo? Because in the Trolli universe anything can ahppen, especially if it's a bit out of the ordinary.
Media: Integrated
Media: TV
Category: Confectionery & snacks
Client: Ferrara Candy Company
Agency: Periscope, Minneapolis, MN
Production: Periscope
Country: United States of America
Director: Scott Corbett
Executive Producer: Caroline Gibney
Editor: Joaquin Machado
Executive Post Producer: Jane Hutchins
VFX: Brewster Parsons. Los Angeles
VFX Supervisor: Louis Mackall
CG Supervisor: TJ Burke
VFX Producer: Alex Carlson
Flame Artists: Clark Parkhurst, Andy Davis, Graziella Gandolfi, Dave Levine
Tracking/Integration: Jarrod Avalos
Executive Producers: Darcy Parsons, Jason Cohon
Music Company: Echo Boys
Music & Audio Post Producer: Sara Davidson
Composers: Tom Lecher, Alex Berglund
Mixer: Chris Bartles